Gap Analysis
What is a Gap Analysis?
A gap analysis discovers what you need to get what you want. There are three key elements looking at three key elements:
- The current situation, or “performance”
- The ideal situation, or “potential”
- What needs to be done in order to get from performance to potential, or “bridging the gap”
The “gap” is what separates your current situation from your ideal situation.
Your goal, all that you want, is on the other side of the gap.
We will bridge that gap with you.
Process Activities
- Identify Threats
- Estimate Risk
- Manage Risk
- Avoid the Risk
- Share the Risk
- Accept the Risk
- Control the Risk
- Write Report
- Build Risk Register
- Balanced Business Growth Gap Analysis – report
- Risk Register
10 Business Days
Our Services
We offer the following services, amongst others, for the growth of your business…